Many people dream about working for themselves, and I’ve been lucky enough to be steadily growing my own online business since I’m a little kid. I’m not exactly where I want to be, but the exciting part is that it’s always changing and growing into something new. Whether you’re an online shop owner, blogger, content creator, or other girl boss professional, here are 7 solid tips to be successful and profitable with Gearbest Associate Program on Social Media.
The first thing you need to do is sign up on Gearbest Associate Program. This is the main key tool to earn money as a social media influencer. This amazing website will allow you to sell their products and earn commissions from it. It is 100% free to use Gearbest Associate Program. Their product groups go from tablets, accessories, mobile phones, computers, appliances to automobiles, motorcycles, apple accessories, baby, kids, home, garden, health, beauty, clothes, office and school supplies, and the list goes on and on. Also, it is great that you can level up by the numbers of month sales you make.

Tip #1: Create a Resources Page
Using your blog, create an especial page where all of the tools, products, and services you recommend will be listed. Having a single page dedicated to your favorite niche tools, courses, and products is a great way to help your readers. They come to your blog for advice and recommendations, so make them easy to find. A simple list that tells your readers what to buy from Gearbest, and why they should buy it, is a great way to assist them in their hobbies, interests, or tasks. Is an amazing way, you can link to Gearbest without being annoying or look like a tv commercial. It is very important to speak with your true voice because that’s what your readers actually want to hear. If you’re getting bored with a product, be honest! Explain it, try something new and see how it goes. Taking chances keeps you and your blog fresh, and keeps readers interested.
Tip #2 Quality Content
All the tips in the world won’t help if you’re posting poor content. People won’t read things that they’ve heard before, is poorly written or just doesn’t sound like a well-thought out idea. Remember, you’re putting your own ideas out into the world. Quality content will be read, but more importantly, it will be shared; that’s the main reason why quality content is important to be profitable. If you are making a review from a Gearbest product: editing, photographing and networking will become top priories too. Your social media (not only your blog) needs to be treated as a business and soon you’ll be excited that it will bring you income to your PayPal account from Gearbest Associate Program.
Tip #3 Image Rotator
First things first – be honest with what your audience expects, whether your site is new or old. Choose products to promote based on your content. Make quality photos of your products review. You can share 10 of them on a single Instagram post. That’s an amazing opportunity to share more content on your Instagram account. But what happens if you don’t have a Gearbest Product yet? How can you make a photo of it? Simple, use canva.com tool and mix all the photos from the Gearbest Website. Use your creativity to stand out. Then share in the description box, the Gearbest Associate Program link to the products of the photos and its done! You’ll have buyers from Instagram in a second.
Tip #4 Use Facebook/Google Groups
Sharing what you know in Facebook/Google groups will position you as an expert and make you to no.1 freelancer the other members think of when they need to buy a Gearbest Product. Provide plenty of free advice. Don't horde your expertise, it's unkind.
Tip #5 Interaction
It's all fun and nice talking about getting clients through social media, if you use twitter don't ignore people who share your work and ask you questions. Twitter is all about interaction, so interact! Acknowledge people. Show them you appreciate them. You'd be surprised how many of your clients start out as followers and buy from your Gearbest links because they trust you. Also, Twitter is a high volume/low value network; it is fast-moving and you need to know how to get it to work for you, or it will pass you by. Your strategy here should be quantity; aim for a least 5 tweets a day but there is no maximum number, the more the merrier.
Tip #6 Let go of Perfectionism
I know, as a recovering perfectionist, you’re tempted to fall into the trap of spending too much time tweaking and perfecting that blog post you’re writing, instead of taking the leap and pressing ‘Publish’. Believe me, that approach won’t give you the wisdom and experience you need as a blogger, influencer or freelancer. Taking action is the way to go: just start doing and get clarity through trial and error, learn through wins and mistakes, and grow from failure. My advice to you is to firstly, be consistent – with posting schedule and quality; and secondly create shareworthy content that will grow your buyers list on Gearbest Associate Program.
Tip #7 Tags
Tags are key to spread the word all over the social media. Use them wisely. In order to achieved more followers I use hashtagify this way I get to know what are the best tags for my Gearbest product link. On twitter/G+ I use around 2 or 3 tags per tweet. On Instagram I use min 10 tags including #l4l #f4f #photooftheday #picoftheday #instalike #instagood #instafollow and words that describe my future buyer: #engineer #girl #woman #designer or words that describe the Gearbest product: #smartphone #android #apple #lolipop #iphone #tech

Don’t waste time and start using our 7 tips to be successful and profitable with Gearbest Associate Program on Social Media.
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